The little brats and me watched a play at Esplanade Theatre Studio last Wednesday and it was such an awesome and funny show! :D

I really enjoyed it - The White Elephant and Bukit Batok (why the hills cough)! I give it 8 thumbs up for being such an interactive and amusing play~ C:

Us and the actors! Hehe!
Hello anyone who is reading - more photo updates! I personally like Tumblr when it comes to uploading photos on blog, but I don't want this space to be wasted... so here I am.

Photos are from 12-11-2011 Dinner & Dance. Enjoy~ C:

Katong & Raffles -the dance crew


Ms Sally and the Fabulous Four

Geetha and me

I forgot her name but she was my course mate and she's a principal! :D

Sexy ladies

Marseile and me

The 2 bestest colleagues

Step jambu lah ni
Well, I'm not perfect...

It's been awhile, been a week since I turned 23. I didn't have a HUGE celebration like last year, but it's enough that some people remembered. I was upset, definitely. I had plans but oh well. Some things just never go your way.

I have been hanging out with `Kinne Gangster` every week now. We meet, we part and we meet again - true story of our life, which has happened quite a lot of times.

I literally have nothing to say, which is maddening. I'm becoming more and more of that shallow 'hate the world and everyone in it' emoshit person. Sighs.


Honestly? Yes, I might shut down this blog for good.

Post Vesak Day 2020

Things should have been better this year... But guess what , bish? 2020 so far - WW3 worry, Australia burning, global recession, volcanic er...