Things should have been better this year... But guess what, bish? 2020 so far - WW3 worry, Australia burning, global recession, volcanic eruptions... and a worldwide killer virus outbreak, Covid-19.

So me and Fayruz has been in, what SG called it a Circuit Breaker quarantine (CB, ikr) for 230389 days now. Just kidding.

CB started on 7 April 2020, was extended and expected to end this coming 2 June 2020.

Fayruz has been stuck at home since 26 March, so that makes it about one month and about two weeks he's been at home now. Glad he's taking social distancing seriously because boy, he is one happy fella celebrating the fact there is NO SCHOOL.

Pretty sure he won't survive school once normal routines get back on track.

So what have I been up to since Labour Day 2018? LOL...

Same old, same old, same old stuff to be honest. Still going strong in ECE line, still facing the same yet hardcore ECE shitstuff and I have a



We got together at the beginning of 2019, so yeah a solid 15 months together. He's really handsome. Ok the end.

Mother's Day is in two days time, so I just want to shout out to literally anyone who is/will be celebrating the day with their loved ones at home or basically anywhere... Lots of hugs and sweet kisses to every mum on Mother’s day. I hope you have an awesome day. Happy Mother’s day!❤️

Heartfelt thanks, to a friend who wrote this for me... I am not a perfect mom, but I am an enough mom…and so are you! I love Fayruz through it all and that’s what makes everything else I do enough.


Wishing everyone happiness and good health, till then.

Post Vesak Day 2020

Things should have been better this year... But guess what , bish? 2020 so far - WW3 worry, Australia burning, global recession, volcanic er...