I feel free. I feel freedom...

Hello March. It's a long awaited moment, but it's finally here. No more status quo; I am free. Two years in the making. It took that long, but the wait was worth it, I guess.

Feels like a super heavy weight being lifted off my shoulders, and it's quite overwhelming. I don't know if I should cry or celebrate.

But one thing is for sure. 18 March is a significant day for me. I can slowly build back pieces of my life with baby boy Fayruz... and mi amor.

"I like to look back, back to when you broke my heart at certain overwhelming points of my life. I like to look back and think that if I got through that much pain, I can get through anything."

It's over. We're over and I don't have to think or worry anymore about what you said, did or will say or do. I can live my own life now. I can get through anything.

So, God willing, that last page turned is a perfect excuse to write a whole new book.

It's humbling to start fresh. It takes a lot of courage. But I... I can do it.


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