Today I spent a day with mi amor in JB. We ate $106 worth of seafood (in ringgit Malaysia of course) and brought some baby essentials for Fayruz.

I think I'd have left this blog unattended but apparently there's an app for it, so I can actually blog any time of the day. Or night. Obviously. 

So hello 2016! This year is another year and one of my goals is to really lose the fats around my belly and everywhere else on my body. Really. Really really. I'm not joking. I gotta work on it even if it kills me. Mi amor is too kind, letting me "let loose" and not caring about how I look and stuff... But this is for me. I need to look good for myself and I've let myself gone way too far this time.

Other than that? Fulfil my responsibilities as a mum and a teacher, as well. Sighs. I wanna quit the Early Childhood line but I have no one else to go. 

I'll probably update this blog more often now then I've gotten the app. More for reflections and stuff. Not to update anyone about how I'm doing or what I'm wearing or where I'm traveling next. More to remind myself there can be happy stuffs and I need to blog about it so that I can come back and read it when I'm feeling depressed.

So today's happy moment is me spending time with mi amor and how gracious he was in sending me to Marsiling to collect my mum's stuff. Any other guy would have grumbled but babylove has been so kind to send me there and back despite feeling tired. Believe me, I was also shagged! And just from a day of grocery shopping! 🙄

I'm also happy that Fayruz is slowly acknowledging mi amor and that he is okay with "Uncle vroom vroom" haha! He will ask me things about mi amor or ask me where Uncle vroom vroom is, which is a good sign. If ever we have the jodoh to get married, Fayruz opening up to mi amor is a good thing. I hope it lasts. Insya Allah. Kalau jodoh, tak ke mane...

Alright, till next time :) Good night!


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